Primark & New Look Haul

Hello! Hope you are all having a fabulous Saturday!

Last week I did a little bit of shopping in Primark and New Look and I thought I'd share with you what I bought. I have put all the prices under the pictures :)

Now I don't know about you but I can't seem to walk through Primark without buying something, it's a curse I swear! The first things I picked up are these beautiful dresses. Both are skater styles dresses, one is a gorgeous paisley pattern and the other is a light wash denim with white polka dots. We are going on holiday in July so when I saw these I thought they would be perfect for then.



Also for the holiday I saw these amazing sandals and sunglasses.


Another thing which I can never resist when I go in to Primark is pyjamas. So to live up to the tradition I bought these pj bottoms which are a light blue with a white stripe. They also have a florescent pink tie and trimmings on the bottom of the leg.


The next item is this beautiful jumper, it's black with a super cute white peter pan collar. I absolutely love collars and I think this jumper is amazing.


On the way to the till I saw these nail files and I had to pick them up. They are really girly, plus one of them has owls on! What more could we ask for?


New Look
After Primark we had a stroll around New Look and I found this pretty dress which I couldn't resist. It is a monochrome skater dress with a peter pan collar and the material is a waffle style texture.


Hope you enjoyed this post!


  1. The floral dress and sandals are so pretty!

    1. Aw thanks, I couldn't not get them when I saw them x

  2. Lot's of gorgeous dresses! Particularly love polka dot denim and the 60's looking dress from New Look. Love that jumper from Next, the collar is so sweet, I live in jumpers and always think they look rather masculine so this would be perfect for me if I wanted to look slightly more feminine!

    Sharon xx
    Beauty, Miscellany

    1. Yeah the dresses in Primark at the moment are perfect. And the jumper is from Primark, sorry I just realised the way I wrote it it looks like it's from Next haha. I love jumper too and collars so I couldn't resist with that one xx

  3. I love that jumper, will definitely be heading to Primark to buy it! :) x

    1. Yeah it's so pretty, you should definitely pick one up :) x

  4. Beautiful selection! nice blog! would you like to follow each other? let me know...
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

    1. Thanks :) I've left you a comment over on your blog x


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